1AA v. XI (Influence of football needs to be addressed at I-AA level)

Cuts in programs at James Madison University are being blamed on the continuing financial tug of war created by Title IX.
James Madison University has announced it will eliminate seven men's athletic programs and three women's programs.
The reason given was to comply with Title IX through its proportionality option.
JMU's I-AA football program will not be affected. But JMU could have eliminated football and the impact on the rest of the men's athletic program would have been cut considerably.
Looking at the "balance sheet" as reported by the IndyStar the athletic department at JMU seems to balance the budget use $17,818,323 in student fees. The JMU women's basketball team only lost $22,236 vs. fottball which lost $254,770 but given the $1.1 and $1.7 million given to each form the very generous students these are more than just a little outside the relm of the account textbook.
Yet besides some entertainment value what does the average student get for these fees. Why doesn't Paul Woody go all the way and propose the elimination of all sports at JMU? That $17 million and change could be better spent on staff upgrades and making the university a better partnet with the community.
Here's a difficult question for you to ask next weekend, "Why the hell is ________(insert college name) in the business of football?"